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Bug 450 - the data stored in /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/tutorial needs to be updated

Reported 2011-01-28 10:20:00 +0100
Modified 2011-05-05 21:24:29 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: documentation
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P1 normal
Assigned to: Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
Depends on:
See also:

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-01-28 10:20:23 +0100

For raw data structures at least this needs to be done, so that the data representation is consistent with the recent convention, i.e. having trialinfo and sampleinfo fields

Eelke Spaak - 2011-03-01 11:49:27 +0100

In /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/ there is only raw data (.ds directories). In /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/ftp/ there are some .mat files, I will update those.

Eelke Spaak - 2011-03-01 11:57:12 +0100

I don't have write permissions for /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/ftp/; the group permissions are rw (which is good), but I guess I'm not a member of the 'fieldtrip' group?

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-04-11 14:41:11 +0200

I took this on me. I have reorganized the directory a bit and wrote some scripts to facilitate quick updates. Note: the following data formats gave problems and are not yet updated: lfp: tdt and neuralynx meg; ctf64 and bti148 @bti148 this is caused by the absence of a 'config' file in the directory: suggestion to make the data reading more robust by reverting to old style .m4d/.xyz reading if config is absent

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-04-26 15:27:47 +0200

bti148 now works: specify filename to be ....m4d ctf64 now works: specify dataformat to be ctf_old, and fixed ctf2grad

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-04-26 15:32:58 +0200

I restructured the directory /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/test/ now to contain the following subdirectories: original (containing the original data) raw (containing data of type 'raw' (10 trials) ) freq (containing data of type 'freq', processed with mtmconvol and mtmfft) timelock (containing data of type 'timelock') comp (containing data of type 'comp') mfiles (containing the mfiles to generate the data)

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-05-05 21:24:29 +0200

bulk action: closed all bugs with status "resolved/fixed"