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Bug 371 - check whether keepoutside can be removed from ft_checkdata

Reported 2011-01-06 15:28:00 +0100
Modified 2011-01-26 15:42:15 +0100
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P1 normal
Assigned to: Robert Oostenveld
Depends on:
See also:

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-06 15:28:06 +0100

there is the keepoutside option, but it does not appear to be used...

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-25 23:51:16 +0100

changed multiple bugs to ASSIGNED to roboos

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-26 12:51:19 +0100

roboos@mentat001> grep keepoutside *.m */*.m public/ft_checkdata.m:keepoutside = keyval('keepoutside', varargin); public/ft_checkdata.m:if issource && strcmp(keepoutside, 'no'), there seems to be no use for it, so I removed it from ft_checkdata roboos@mentat001> svn commit public/ft_checkdata.m Sending public/ft_checkdata.m Transmitting file data . Committed revision 2659

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-26 15:41:05 +0100

I closed all the bugs that I resolved earlier today. These have been discussed at the Fieldtrip meeting and should not show up any more at the next meeting. If you feel that one of these bugs should not have been closed, you have to reopen it.

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-26 15:42:15 +0100

<<once more, I forgot to actually change the status to CLOSED>> I closed all the bugs that I resolved earlier today. These have been discussed at the Fieldtrip meeting and should not show up any more at the next meeting. If you feel that one of these bugs should not have been closed, you have to reopen it.