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Bug 3466 - explore cluster statistics

Reported 2018-11-07 16:56:00 +0100
Modified 2018-11-12 10:51:49 +0100
Product: FieldTrip
Component: documentation
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Windows
Importance: P5 normal
Assigned to: Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
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- 2018-11-07 16:56:23 +0100

I have never used fieldtrip before but I was trying to get familiar with its statistical analysis tools. I tried to run the online example from: I am using MATLAB Version: (R2018a) and I downloded that latest version of fieldtrip on 5 nov 2018 I face two errors: first at ft_math function: Error using ft_math (line 151) the requested parameter is not present in the data Error in Nonparametric_statistical_testingEEGandMEG_data (line 45) difference = ft_math(cfg, timelock1, timelock2); % line 137 of ft_datatype_timelock removes the fields and if I comment that line out, I face another error at ft_timelcokstatistics Error using chol Matrix must be square. Error in montecarlo (line 13) R = chol(Sigma); % Y = R^{-T}X has covariance I Error in ft_timelockstatistics (line 185) [stat] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design); Error in Nonparametric_statistical_testingEEGandMEG_data (line 63) stat = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, timelock1, timelock2); Any comment? Best regards,

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2018-11-08 09:26:10 +0100

No, no comments. Perhaps you can ask your question on the discussion e-mail list? Note that the example scripts are not kept backward compatible with the developments in the code.

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2018-11-08 09:27:02 +0100

Set to invalid, since this is not the appropriate platform to address the issue that the user encounters

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2018-11-12 10:51:49 +0100

closing time.