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Bug 3276 - ft_electrodeplacement should not show the "scan" option when a single input is given

Reported 2017-03-30 10:34:00 +0200
Modified 2019-08-10 12:41:57 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P5 minor
Assigned to: Arjen Stolk
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Robert Oostenveld - 2017-03-30 10:34:17 +0200

I now get the warning Warning: toggling scans only works with two volumes as input arguments > In ft_electrodeplacement>cb_scanbutton (line 1407) In uiwait (line 81) In ft_electrodeplacement (line 440) whereas it would make more sense to make the option invisible if there is no 2nd input. When not visible, the user cannot click on it.

Robert Oostenveld - 2017-03-30 10:36:30 +0200

perhaps the option should also be labeled in the GUI as "mri2/ct2" rather than "scan". In the documentation it is mentioned as mri2.

Arjen Stolk - 2017-04-04 05:18:04 +0200

Thanks, it's adjusted in a yet to come to PR if numel(mri)>1; set(hscan, 'Visible', 'on'); end changed the button label to "CT/MRI"

Robert Oostenveld - 2019-08-10 12:35:43 +0200

This closes a whole series of bugs that have been resolved (either FIXED/WONTFIX/INVALID) for quite some time. If you disagree, please file a new issue on

Robert Oostenveld - 2019-08-10 12:41:57 +0200

This closes a whole series of bugs that have been resolved (either FIXED/WONTFIX/INVALID) for quite some time. If you disagree, please file a new issue on