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Bug 3180 - uicontrol is not supported on headless servers for ft_qualitycheck

Status NEW
Reported 2016-09-01 00:19:00 +0200
Modified 2016-09-01 00:20:52 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P5 normal
Assigned to: Robert Oostenveld
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Robert Oostenveld - 2016-09-01 00:19:56 +0200

we used to solve this by sending the output to a Xvfb on the realtime PC in the MEG lab, but I now want to run the QC on the cluster. Starting and stopping the Xvfb in a cluster job turns out to be challenging, hence I prefer to use the noFigureWindows option to matlab. Alas, that does not work with the figures: [^HWarning: problem executing ft_qualitycheck]^H [^H> In meg_quality_cronjob at 56 In run at 64]^H MException Properties: identifier: 'MATLAB:prepareui:UnsupportedPlatform' message: 'Printing of uicontrols is not supported on this platform.' cause: {0x1 cell} stack: [8x1 struct] file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/graphics/private/prepareui.m' name: 'prepareui' line: 59 file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/graphics/private/preparehg.m' name: 'preparehg' line: 114 file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/graphics/private/prepare.m' name: 'prepare' line: 47 file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/graphics/print.m' name: 'LocalPrint' line: 268 file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/graphics/print.m' name: 'print' line: 237 file: '/home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/ft_qualitycheck.m' name: 'ft_qualitycheck' line: 322 file: '/project/3010102.04/scripts/meg_quality/meg_quality_cronjob.m' name: 'meg_quality_cronjob' line: 54 file: '/opt/matlab/R2012b/toolbox/matlab/lang/run.m' name: 'run' line: 64

Robert Oostenveld - 2016-09-01 00:20:52 +0200

I see in ft_qualitycheck that it uses uicontrol to position text in the figure. There are no buttons or callbacks, so it should also be possible to resolve this another way... @Arjen, do you recall why you used uicontrol?