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Bug 2995 - selection of channels does not work in browse_simpleFFT

Reported 2015-10-30 09:45:00 +0100
Modified 2019-08-10 12:33:16 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: documentation
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P5 normal
Assigned to: Roemer van der Meij
Depends on:
Blocks: 2314
See also:

Robert Oostenveld - 2015-10-30 09:45:44 +0100

Robert Oostenveld - 2015-10-30 09:46:26 +0100

After making the selection, I get the following error: Reference to non-existent field 'butth'. Error in browse_simpleFFT>selectchan_fft_cb (line 79) draw_simple_fft_cb(fftopt.butth) Error while evaluating UIControl Callback Reference to non-existent field 'butth'. Error in browse_simpleFFT>selectchan_fft_cb (line 79) draw_simple_fft_cb(fftopt.butth) Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

Roemer van der Meij - 2016-05-09 23:52:40 +0200

Fixed and mentioned in a related bug, 1634.

Robert Oostenveld - 2019-08-10 12:33:16 +0200

This closes a whole series of bugs that have been resolved (either FIXED/WONTFIX/INVALID) for quite some time. If you disagree, please file a new issue on