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Bug 2371 - test_bug70 fails sporadically

Reported 2013-11-11 16:36:00 +0100
Modified 2014-02-24 10:56:30 +0100
Product: FieldTrip
Component: external
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P3 normal
Assigned to: Robert Oostenveld
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Robert Oostenveld - 2013-11-11 16:36:38 +0100

this suggests that the openmeeg binaries run on some torque execution nodes, but fail on some other nodes. This is not a matlab error, but an error in the torque configuration.

Robert Oostenveld - 2014-02-24 08:59:59 +0100

it still fails sporadically, the last time on dcc-c007. However, it is not an openmeeg binary problem, but an assertion ("smaller than eps difference") error. There seems to be some randomness that causes the error to fluctuate just around eps. I increased the threshold in the assertino from eps into 10*eps roboos@mentat001> svn commit Sending test/test_bug70.m Transmitting file data . Committed revision 9228.

Robert Oostenveld - 2014-02-24 10:56:30 +0100

I closed several bugs at once that all have been resolved for some time. If you disagree, please reopen.