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Bug 1840 - ft_read_headshape has to be extended to allow the import of FEM meshes

Reported 2012-11-20 11:56:00 +0100
Modified 2013-06-30 15:17:50 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: external
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P3 normal
Assigned to: Johannes Vorwerk
Depends on: 18181819
See also:

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-20 11:56:09 +0100

this bug serves as a placeholder for all things that need to be done.

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-20 11:57:02 +0100

this bug depends on bug 1818 and bug 1819.

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-20 11:58:04 +0100

...furthermore, ft_filetype needs to be updated, see and

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-20 11:59:22 +0100

Using the following test code, I get an error >> cd /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/test/bug1820 >> mesh = ft_read_headshape('cube2mm3layervorwerk_ns_127_127_127.v') Warning: adding /Volumes/Data/roboos/matlab/fieldtrip/external/simbio toolbox to your Matlab path Error using read_vista_mesh Too many input arguments. Error in ft_read_headshape (line 535) [nodes,elements,labels] = read_vista_mesh(filename); >> which read_vista_mesh.m /Volumes/Data/roboos/matlab/fieldtrip/external/simbio/read_vista_mesh.m

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-20 12:00:34 +0100

I have updated the following mac001> svn commit read_vista_mesh.m Sending read_vista_mesh.m Transmitting file data . Committed revision 6963. which now results in the following more meaningful error: >> mesh = ft_read_headshape('cube2mm3layervorwerk_ns_127_127_127.v') Error using read_vista_mesh (line 10) The mex file read_vista_mesh.mexmaci64 is missing Error in ft_read_headshape (line 535) [nodes,elements,labels] = read_vista_mesh(filename); @Johannes, can you add the mex file for other platforms?

Johannes Vorwerk - 2012-11-20 12:21:49 +0100

I'll do that asap, unfortunately I don't have my mac with me here, so this will have to wait until this evening/tomorrow morning.

Johannes Vorwerk - 2012-11-21 12:10:13 +0100

(In reply to comment #5) I've added mex-files for 32- and 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Intel-Mac.

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-11-21 18:01:08 +0100

(In reply to comment #6) This now works on Mac OS X. >> cd /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/test/bug1820 >> mesh = ft_read_headshape('cube2mm3layervorwerk_ns_127_127_127.v') Trying to read FE mesh from file cube2mm3layervorwerk_ns_127_127_127.v. Successfully read mesh with 425832 nodes and 405767 elements. mesh = pnt: [425832x3 double] fid: [1x1 struct] hex: [405767x8 double] tissue: [405767x1 double] tissuelabel: {'101' '102' '103'} unit: 'mm' looks fine to me.

Lilla Magyari - 2013-01-07 11:15:04 +0100

(In reply to comment #7) I close this bug, because it seems to be OK.