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Bug 1611 - in ft_electroderealign, template not checked correctly?

Reported 2012-07-13 17:12:00 +0200
Modified 2013-01-16 15:19:42 +0100
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Windows
Importance: P3 normal
Assigned to: Johanna
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Johanna - 2012-07-13 17:12:22 +0200

This goes on in the code starting line 171: clear tmp for i=1:Ntemplate tmp(i) = ft_convert_units(template(i), elec.unit); % ensure that the units are consistent with the electrodes tmp(i) = ft_datatype_sens(template(i)); % ensure up-to-date sensor descriptions (Oct 2011) end template = tmp; But the line calling ft_datatype_sens takes template(i) as input. That removes the effect of calling ft_convert_units on the previous, right? So instead, shouldn't ft_datatype_sens take tmp(i) as input?

Johanna - 2012-09-19 17:07:17 +0200

JM initially added the line (as fixsens, later upgraded to ft_datatype_sens) in r4287 Fixed now, svn commit 6479 JM: please comment/reopen if you think that it should remain the way you had it.