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Bug 1545 - Fp1 and Fp2 have small p s in layout biosemi64.lay

Reported 2012-06-20 16:40:00 +0200
Modified 2019-08-10 11:55:37 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Windows
Importance: P3 normal
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isabella - 2012-06-20 16:40:04 +0200

isabella - 2012-06-20 16:43:01 +0200

in some data it may be capitals? which leads to incorrect detection of the to be plotted channels?

Jörn M. Horschig - 2012-06-20 16:57:04 +0200

The official naming scheme according to the 10-20 system and also according to the biosemi webpage is with lower p, see also here: Remains the question where the capital p comes from - is it some user defined channel name, set by the acquisition system or any other cause? Do you (or does anyone else) know about this?

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2012-06-21 09:01:16 +0200

It seems indeed (after consulting with Robert) that it may have to do with a fault in the configuration file of the acquisition system. Indeed it should be Fp1 and Fp2 with a small 'p'.

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-06-25 09:49:13 +0200

In the "Report of the committee on methods of clinical examination in electroencephalography" authored by Jasper in 1958 it was decided to use the name Fp1 and Fp2, designating "Frontal pole", for the two most frontal electrodes in the "ten twenty electrode system of the international federation". So the correct prefix for the Frontal pole electrodes is Fp. The "p" in here should not be confused with the "P" for the parietal electrodes. If you wish, you can pick up a copy of the original '58 article at my office (0.88 at the DCCN).

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2012-06-25 09:59:29 +0200

So, I guess that this means that for Isabella and for people who have the invalid names in the configuration to their acquisition system, they should either fix it there (if possible), or work with a work around. e.g. after reading in the data, do something like sel = strmatch('FP1', data.label); data.label{sel} = 'Fp1'; sel = strmatch('FP2', data.label); data.label{sel} = 'Fp2';

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-06-25 10:03:36 +0200

or we could add a ft_default global option casesensitive='yes'/'no' which is then checked in ft_channelselection. Default (=present behaviour) is "yes", whereas people could switch to "no" if they want. Let's reopen and consider whether this functionality would be worth the hassle. What do you think Isabella?

isabella - 2012-06-25 12:31:44 +0200

(In reply to comment #6) Dear Robert and Jan-Mathijs, Thanks a lot for you comments. I think that for the time being the option that JM proposed is working fine with no problems, so I am happy with this way around. Please let me know whether you are implementing a specific function to solve the problem. Cheers, Isabella

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2012-11-07 13:43:06 +0100


Robert Oostenveld - 2019-08-10 11:51:40 +0200

This closes a whole series of bugs that have been resolved (either FIXED/WONTFIX/INVALID) for quite some time. If you disagree, please file a new issue describing the issue on

Robert Oostenveld - 2019-08-10 11:55:37 +0200

This closes a whole series of bugs that have been resolved (either FIXED/WONTFIX/INVALID) for quite some time. If you disagree, please file a new issue describing the issue on