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Bug 1485 - Illogical ~Jan-Mathijssing in megplanar

Reported 2012-05-22 12:05:00 +0200
Modified 2012-06-01 14:07:55 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Windows
Importance: P3 critical
Assigned to: Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
Depends on:
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Stephen Whitmarsh - 2012-05-22 12:05:51 +0200

from line 252: if ~isnan(any(sens.chanpos(:))) error('The channel positions contain NaNs; this prohibits correct behavior of the function. Please replace the input channel definition with one that contains valid channel positions'); end

Eelke Spaak - 2012-05-22 12:10:27 +0200

change to: if any(isnan(sens.chanpos(:))) ?

Eelke Spaak - 2012-05-22 12:50:32 +0200

To make sure you got the point of my previous comment: why don't you just make tiny changes like this yourself and commit them directly? Should be less work than filing a bug in bugzilla... (see also e.g. bug 1484: one ft_checkconfig('renamed') call would do the trick)

Stephen Whitmarsh - 2012-05-22 12:59:15 +0200

no it isnt (updating since i don't know when, changing, committing) and if you don't mind i will stand by my right to file bugs without fixing them

Eelke Spaak - 2012-05-22 13:10:04 +0200

Perhaps all FT team members should have a reasonably up-to-date working copy of the SVN repository. (I 'svn update' basically each morning--takes 5 seconds, never had a conflict.)

Stephen Whitmarsh - 2012-05-22 13:17:00 +0200

I don't need to know what you do for 5 seconds every morning. Lets keep it bug related and discuss work-ethics offline.

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2012-05-22 15:49:40 +0200

revision 5794 changed as per Eelke's suggestion