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Bug 1061 - ft_topoplotER calls itself recursively instead of topoplotTFR

Reported 2011-10-20 12:11:00 +0200
Modified 2011-10-26 16:21:31 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Linux
Importance: P1 normal
Assigned to: Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
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Jörn M. Horschig - 2011-10-20 12:11:22 +0200

the call should be to ft_topoplotTFR I can fix it after my experiment, because here in the MEG apparently an old version of SVN is running so I cannot update or commit, but if anyone else can fix it beforehands, it would be great (for others here at the donders)

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-10-20 12:16:25 +0200

You are faster than me. I am about to change it

Jörn M. Horschig - 2011-10-20 12:28:11 +0200

good boy

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-10-20 12:29:46 +0200

;-) What's happening with the cluster at the moment? It seemed to go down at some point, but is it up again? At least I don't seem to be able to log in anymore (from home).

Jörn M. Horschig - 2011-10-20 12:47:46 +0200

dunno, I've been in the lab all day, but from here it seems like I can only log in to the high memory mentats, not to all the normal ones

Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen - 2011-10-20 14:08:58 +0200

fixed with revision 4533 (or even a bit before that)